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Grasshopper tutorials

Getting started

Installing Rhino

Key steps to install Rhino and basic setup.

Installing Grasshopper and plugins

Key steps to install Grasshopper and additional plugins.

First steps

First jumps

Space frame roof

Create a space frame with half-octahedra and tetrahedra.

Space frame of the Water Cube

Create a space frame by means of a 3D Voronoi that is inspired by the Beijing National Aquatics Center.

Tapered girder grid

Create a grid with tapered girders by utilizing numeric domains.

Truss grid

Create a truss grid by using basic data tree operations.

Parametric twists


Prepare for 3D printing

Prepare your model for 3D printing by converting it to a volumetric model.

Generate slices from a 3d model

Extract 2D slices from a 3d model and arrange those slices in one plane.

Create a sliceform

Turn a sliced model into a sliceform by computing the slots.

Detailed design

Gridshell joints

Modeling joints by creating solids on aligned construction planes.

Kangaroo Physics

Four-point sail

Introduction to Kangaroo Physics by creating a four-point sail.

Rendering with Rhino

Overview and setting for rendering

Basic methods to render an image from a 3D model with Rhino.