
This website is made for modern browsers. You are seeing this, because your browser is missing a feature or two. Please install the latest update or switch to a modern browser. See you soon.


How about a tutorial on this or some more explanation on that?

Could be possible. However, I have some ideas and tutorials in mind that I would like to do next. Have a look at the project roadmap to see what’s in the pipeline. Nevertheless, you can also open an issue or write me an email at to propose some meaningful additions.

What’s coming next?

At the moment, my focus is on refining the experience of this website and to add more content. My goal is to make this project into a community project that everybody can contribute to.

I also plan to offer video tutorials and in depth explanation on the basic principles. The time frame and pace also depend on the extent to which the project continues to be supported by the HafenCity University and the Hamburg Open Online University.

The website is not displayed / functioning properly in my browser.

This website is made for modern browsers and needs JavaScript to run properly. Maybe it helps to upgrade to a new version of your browser or install a modern browser. If this doesn’t help, feel free to open an issue or to write me an email at .

I need some help with my project. Can you help me out?

Unfortunately, my capacities are limited and I can’t assist you in your personal projects. The Best place to look is the official Grasshopper forum. You will find lots of competent people there.

How can I enable the display of names above the components in Grasshopper?

You can display the names with either parachute(acting globally / on all opened documents) or Bifocals (set locally for each document).