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Even though this website currently focuses on Grasshopper and Rhino to realize the parametric design approach, other software environments can be used to achieve a similar result. Another popular choice to implement parametric design in CAD is DynamoBIM, which builds on top of Autodesk Revit.

At some point in the future you will find tutorials for Dynamo in this section, but for now, that is not on top of the to-do list. However, the approaches and steps described in the Grasshopper tutorials can be recreated in Dynamo; it has similar components. To learn more Dynamo, the Dynamo Primer is a good place to start.

Another way, if you or your coworkers are using Revit as a foundation for BIM, there is also Rhino.Inside.Revit, which is a bridge between Rhino and Revit and it enables Grasshopper. This way, you can create geometry in Revit with a Grasshopper algorithm and control it from there. Most of the tutorials should work in this setup.