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enhance your
design process with
parametric design

If you want to learn about parametric design
and how to use computation to your
advantage, you found the right place.

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  • Dec 06, 2022 Minor updates Lots of minor changes and improvements were made to further increase the qualitiy of your visits. Also, a bigger update is on its way.
  • Feb 04, 2021 Adjusted content structure After some silent content updates, everything was rearranged to implement a clearer structure for the different types of content. Most notably, the snippets became how-to guides to underline their focus on how to solve specific problems.
  • Nov 13, 2020 Finally live... After several months of hard work, this project is now live and ready for your dive into parametric design. Much of the journey is still ahead and content waiting to be produced, but from here on, we can enjoy the trip together.
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Hello fellow designer

parametric by design is here to make you a better designer or, at least, to expand your skill set. Parametric design is a design approach that combines problem abstraction, computation, and creativity. To cover the conceptual basics, continue with What's parametric?.

Parametric design, in its most powerful form, involves writing algorithms. This might sound scary, but visual programming can be used to get an easier access. parametric by design uses Grasshopper for Rhino to illustrate this way of designing. But the concepts apply to any kind of geometry related coding. It’s best if you are already familiar with a CAD environment and have some knowledge of technical drawings.

Besides the main article What's parametric?, the section Explanation further illuminates and discusses particular topics. It’s meant to provide theoretical knowledge and to help you understand parametric design and its context.

The Grasshopper tutorials teach how parametric design can be used in practice and start your journey to become a parametric designer. They provide hands-on examples to follow along and you learn how projects are set up in a parametric environment. Learning is doing, and with this in mind, each tutorial focus on introducing a new skill or extending an existing one.

The Grasshopper how-to guides will help you solve particular problems that you might encounter while crafting algorithms. The guides are sorted by functionality and a growing library of reusable code snippets for experienced designers.

Now, let’s go and design something!